Shahid Matangini Hazra Government General Degree College For Women
Government of West Bengal, Affiliated to Vidyasagar University
Chakshrikrishnapur, Kulberia, P.O: Kulberia, Dist: Purba Medinipur, PIN: 721649
NAAC Accredited (1st Cycle) (Grade - B) (2.42- CGPA)
Waste Management
Different measures and initiative is taken for proper management of waste as listed below.
- Proper labelled dustbins are used for segregation of waste.
- Pits are prepared for the disposal of biodegradable solid wastes.
- Solid and liquid wastes generated in the chemistry laboratories are collected separately and disposed off separately.
- Waste water from the toilet of the campus is disposed off through the pipelines and drainage system.
- Campus is free from any kind of radioactive waste. No Hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials are used in the college.
- The sanitization and sewage measures are properly planned while designing the plan of the building by the PWD, Govt. of West Bengal.
- All stakeholders, students, staff and faculty are always asked to be conscious about waste.
- NSS unit organizes a cleaning programme regularly, so that the campus becomes clean and plastic free. The institution also discourages the use of plastic in the campus.
- College follows digitization of office procedures through electronic means via Whatsapp, email and Google meet that reduces paper based waste.