Shahid Matangini Hazra Government General Degree College For Women
Government of West Bengal, Affiliated to Vidyasagar University
Chakshrikrishnapur, Kulberia, P.O: Kulberia, Dist: Purba Medinipur, PIN: 721649
NAAC Accredited (1st Cycle) (Grade - B) (2.42- CGPA)
Introduction of the Department
“Nature vibrates with rhythms, climatic and diastrophic, those finding stratigraphic expression ranging in period from the rapid oscillation of surface waters, recorded in ripple-mark, to those long-deferred stirrings of the deep imprisoned titans which have divided earth history into periods and eras. The flight of time is measured by the weaving of composite rhythms- day and night, calm and storm, summer and winter, birth and death such as these are sensed in the brief life of man. But the career of the earth recedes into a remoteness against which these lesser cycles are as unavailing for the measurement of that abyss of time as would be for human history the beating of an insect's wing. We must seek out, then, the nature of those longer rhythms whose very existence was unknown until man by the light of science sought to understand the earth. The larger of these must be measured in terms of the smaller, and the smaller must be measured in terms of years.” - Joseph Barrell
About the Department
The Department of Geology, Shahid Matangini Hazra Govt. College for Women started its journey in 2015, affiliated by Vidyasagar University. At present it offers an undergraduate three years honours course. All the faculty members are engaged in active research work. Our department offers fully furnished seminar library with lots of reference books. Our students can use well developed microscope laboratory for the thin section study of rock and minerals and laboratory for fossil identification. Our department conduct compulsory field program every year to enhance the practical knowledge of students. Our department is committed to give the best possible education of our students.
From the Desk of HOD
Geology is a very interesting and dynamic subject which deals with evolution of Earth through time, internal structure of the Earth and its surface processes. It gives us an opportunity to know about different kinds of Earth’s resources which are economically valuable. Geology imparts an observational power through detailed field works in various terrains. Our department is commendable to give best knowledge both in theoretical and practical aspects by dedicated and experienced faculty members. The students are motivated to participate in paper presentation, workshops and seminars that are essential to maintaining proficiency. In keeping with the department’s vision, the holistic development of the students is focused upon that instills a habit of continued learning and a sense of responsibility in them to contribute towards the betterment of the society. A good number of students also qualify JAM for pursuing higher studies in each year.
Our Staff
Departmental Notice Board
Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Events organized
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