Shahid Matangini Hazra Government General Degree College For Women

Government of West Bengal, Affiliated to Vidyasagar University

Chakshrikrishnapur, Kulberia, P.O: Kulberia, Dist: Purba Medinipur, PIN: 721649

NAAC Accredited (1st Cycle) (Grade - B) (2.42- CGPA)

Publication List: Book and Book Chapter


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Rathin Jana Reflection - a yearly publication Synthesis of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon by palladium-catalyzed reaction 978-811923279-6
2 Rathin Jana Current developments in chemical science: Few relevant issues A short review on synthesis of some heterocyclic compounds by palladium-Catalyzed Heck reaction 978-620-6-18301-3
3 Debayan Chaudhuri Rangpure Rammohan Sardha-Dwisatabarshe Raja Ram Mohan Roy O Onyanyo Sahitya-Nibandha 978-81-957136-5-3
4 Madhurima Chowdhury Bhawyaiya Gane Narir Upasthapan Sardha-Dwisatabarshe Raja Ram Mohan Roy O Onyanyo Sahitya-Nibandha 978-81-957136-5-3
5 Mitali Dewan Reflection - a yearly publication Extraction of Dye from Wastewater by Using Diverse Adsorbent 978-81-19232-79-6
6 Mitali Dewan Polymeric Foams: Fundamentals and Types of Foams Polyvinyl Chloride Foam 9780841297173
7 Sambhu Charan Barman Innovation of Multidisciplinary Research in Present and Future Time Closeness Centrality of Friendship and Lollipop Graphs 978-81-962702-3-0
8 Sachinath Bera Current Developments in Chemical Science: Few Relevant Issues Recent advances of Organocatalyst in light of Green Chemistry 978-620-6-18301-3
9 Piku Das Gupta Interrogating COVID 19: National and Global Scenario Deciphering COVID 19 : A Gendered Perspective 978-81-957060-7-5


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Aparupa Banerjee Goldschmidt Two-stage metamorphism of the Angul-Tikarpada area, Eastern Ghats Belt and its implications on the India-East Antarctica correlation
2 Shyamashree Roy Handbook of Dialogue and Development: India- China-EU The EU- India Strategic Partnership: Dialogue, Prospects and Challenges 978-93-91002-46-6
3 Shyamashree Roy Politics in India Globalization and Indian Political Economy: An Overview 978-93-5529-369-5
4 Rathin Jana Recent trends in chemistry research Synthesis of 9,10- dihydrophenanthrene, alkyl phenanthrene and octahydrophenanthrene by palladium-catalyzed6π electrocyclic reaction 978-93-92145-05-6
5 Rathin Jana New Horizon: 1 multidisciplinary approach to current science issues A short note on intramolecular palladium-catalyzed synthesis of fused pyran rings 978-93-92145-29-2
6 Rathin Jana Exploring molecules, materials and bio-materials for sustainable society A review on synthesis of substituted furan and naphthofuran by copper and gold catalyzed reaction 978-81-954721-3-0
7 Debayan Chaudhuri Jodi Uni Fire Asten ‘Ebhabeo fire asa jay’ 978-93-93501-01-2
8 Atasi Mahapatra Darshanik chintan prasange kichu bishoy bhabna A-vedic darshne karma, karmaphal o janmantor 978-93-94744-14-1
9 Atasi Mahapatra Chinta o chintane bangali Manisha Rabindra manane mrityu o amaratabodh 978-93-92205-11-8
10 Mitali Dewan Recent trends in chemistry research Biomedical application of graphine and graphine based nanocomposite 978-93-92145-29-2
11 Mitali Dewan New Horizon: multidisciplinary approach to current science issues Journey of Polymer from Early to Modern Age 978-93-92145-05-6
12 Mitali Dewan Exploring molecules, materials and bio-materials for sustainable society Conducting polymer-composite for gas sensors 978-81-954721-3-0
13 Supratik Guha Politics in India Globalization and Indian Political Economy: An Overview 978-93-5529-369-5
14 Enakshi Das Geosciences: The Basic Science for a Sustainable Future Evidence for an ultra-hotspot (>1100°C) in the Precambrian Eastern Ghats orogen: Presence of sapphirine + quartz, corundum + hemoilmenitess + spinelss intergrowth and osumilite in an Mg-Al rich rock 978-93-80998-45-9
15 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Conservation, Management and Monitoring of Forest Resources in India A People’s Biodiversity Register of Henry’s Island, Indian Sundarban 978-3-030-98233-1 & 978-3-030-98232-4
16 Subrata Das Swadeshchintar Aloke Kamalakanter Daptor Bankimchandrer Kamalakanta Chinta O Charcha 978-93-93521-09-5
17 Sachinath Bera Modern Trends and development in chemistry Transition metal promoted oxidative dehydrogenation of co-ordinated amine in air 978-81-951703-0-2


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Sayanwita Panja Prabahamaan Banglacharcha (6th International Conference) The Essence of Chemistry in Everyday Life 978-93-5493-862-7
2 Debayan Chaudhuri Binoy Majumderer Nirbachita Kobita Path O Prasangabakkya Meghe meghe taubhuta jol’ : ‘Fire eso, Chaka’-r ekti kobita 978-81-948154-5-7
3 Atasi Mahapatra Tribal Women: role and position in our society Women: The Unsung Warriors 978-81-951928-0-9
4 Atasi Mahapatra The Four Aims of life: Its Theory and Practice in Gandhism Philosophy and Life: Some philosophical reflections 978-93-93364-05-0
5 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Anthropogeomorphology of Bhagirathi-Hooghly River System in India Anthropogeomorphology of the Lower Deltaic West Bengal with special reference to the Hugli River System 978-0-367-86102-5 & 978-1-003-03237-3
6 Nabendu Sekhar Kar New Age Cartography and Geospatial Technology in Digital India (39th INCA International Congress) Post-Fani Cyclone Vulnerability Assessment of Puri town: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach
7 Nabendu Sekhar Kar South Asia and Climate Change: Unravelling the Conundrum Evaluating the viability of shrimp aquaculture to impede climate change in the Sundarbans: Experiences from Bangladesh 978-1-003-04573-1
8 Nabendu Sekhar Kar The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Green Societies Reassessment of Urban Sustainability and Food Security in the Light of COVID-19 978-3-030-66490-9


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Shyamashree Roy International Relations: Emerging Issues Neo-Realism in International Relations: Theoretical Extensions and Relevance 978-93-90459-62-9
2 Shyamashree Roy Implications of Mental Health and Hygiene in Education’ Role of Family in preserving the Mental Health: An Indian Perspective 978-93-89234-77-0
3 Shyamashree Roy Working of Democracy in India: Major Issues Socio-Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Polity: An Exploratory Analysis 978- 93-90155-91-0
4 Shyamashree Roy Covid-19 and Its Impact on the Indian Economy Covid-19 and Indian Economy: An Analysis of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors 978-93-83637-88-1
5 Shyamashree Roy Digitalization of Indian Economy: An Engine of Sustainable Growth From Demonetization to Digitalization: The Transition of the Indian Banking System 978-81-938046-3-6
6 Rathin Jana Recent advancement in therapeutic use of chemical compounds and drug delivery Intramolecular palladium-catalyzed cyclization and subsequent β-H elimination or C-H activation: A general method for the synthesis of pyran rings as anticancer capabalities 9in medicinal chemistry. 978-939078516-2
7 Rathin Jana Synthesis of substituted furan and napththofuran by copper catalyzed reaction starting from bromo vinyl aldehydes 978-93-84387-76-1
8 Rathin Jana The contributions of Indian women to science Kamala sohonie- the first Indian women to receive Ph.D. in science 978-93-84387-75-4
9 Rathin Jana Chemistry and Biology sustainable progress of human Development and evalution of poloxamer 407 based thermoreversible ocular in-situ gel of ketorolac trpomethamine 978-93-84387-76-1
10 Debayan Chaudhuri ‘Nababrindaban Arthat Dharmasamannay Natak’, written by Chiranjib Sharma ‘Shurur Katha’, ‘Nababrindaban Arthat Dharmasamannay Natak’, written by Chiranjib Sharma, Edited by Rumpa Das & Joy Das 978-81-937954-7-7
11 Debayan Chaudhuri ‘Deshbhager Labhkhoti: BanglarUttaranchal’ ‘Bhanga Banglar kobita', 978-93-88380-66-9
12 Mitali Dewan The contributions of Indian women to science Kamala Sohani The First Indian Woman to receive PhD In Science 978-93-84387-75-4
13 Mitali Dewan Chemistry and Biology sustainable progress of human Development and Evaluation of Poloxamer 407 Based Thermoreversible Ocular In-situ Gel of Keterolac Tromethamine 978-93-84387-76-1
14 Mitali Dewan Synthesis of substituted furan and naphthofuran by copper catalyzed reaction starting from β-bromo vinyl-aldehyde 978-93-84387-76-1
15 Mitali Dewan Recent advancement in therapeutic use of chemical compounds and drug delivery Intramolecular Palladium-Catalyzed Cycization and Subsequent β-H Elimination or C-H Activation: A General Method for the Synthesis of Pyran rings as Anticancer Capabilities in Medicinal Chemistry 978-9-390785-16-2 & 978-9-390785-24-7
16 Supratik Guha Working of Democracy in India: Major Issues Socio-Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Polity: An Exploratory Analysis 978- 93-90155-91-0
17 Supratik Guha Covid-19 and Its Impact on the Indian Economy Covid-19 and Indian Economy: An Analysis of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors 978-93-83637-88-1
18 Supratik Guha Digitalization of Indian Economy: An Engine of Sustainable Growth From Demonetization to Digitalization: The Transition of the Indian Banking System 978-81-938046-3-6
19 Supratik Guha Digitalization of Indian Economy: An Engine of Sustainable Growth Digital Metamorphosis of the Insurance Industry
20 Dr. Enakshi Das Humboldt Kolleg 2020 on ‘FLOW’ Evidence of Tonian UHT Metamorphism (>1100°C) With deduced heating--‐cooling path from an Mg--‐Al rich rock in Bandavidi-G. Madugula sector, Eastern Ghats Belt 978-93-83660-57-5
21 Dr. Enakshi Das Humboldt Kolleg 2020 on ‘FLOW’ Polyphase deformation‐metamorphism of calc-silicate enclaves and their host rocks from parts of Eastern Ghats Province, India 978-93-83660-57-5
22 Yasmin Chaudhuri Interrogating English School Texts and a Culture of Gender Sensitivity 978-81-943450-7-7
23 Yasmin Chaudhuri Is there a theory in the class?-Application of Literary theory in English Literature Classrooms 978-620-292227-2
24 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Education in the 21 st Century Emerging Issues and the Way Forward An Evaluation of MOOCs in GIS: Initiating A New Paradigm 978-81-947715-8-6
25 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Prosongo Sundarban (Dwitio Khondo) Sundarbone Jongol Hasil, Jambu o Henri Dwip: Kichu Prosno 978-81-940947-1-0
26 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Water Management in South Asia: Socio-economic, Infrastructural, Environmental and Institutional Aspects Flood-Prone Ghatal Region, India: A Study on Post-‘Phailin’ Inundations of 2013 978-3-030-35237-0 &> 978-3-030-35236-3
27 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Tourism in Asian Cities Urban heritage tourism alongside the bank of Hugli: Carrying forward the legacy of “Little Europe in Bengal,” India 978-0-429-26480-1
28 Sambhu Charan Barman Beginners’ Guide to Graph Theory 978-93-88347-52-5
29 Piku Das Gupta Voices Beyond Silence: Issues and Insights Birthing A Mother: Surrogacy and the Gendered Body 978-81-948279-2-4


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Mahadeb Pal 64th DAE-BRNS Symposium on Nuclear Physics Study of neutron star radius with skin thickness and slope parameter by using finite range effective interaction 8183720811 & 978-81-83720-81-6
2 Debayan Chaudhuri Prabahaman Banglacharcha 3, Ed. Sanat Kumar Naskar Coochbeharer Patrapatrikay Bangla Galpo 978-81-93795-41-5
3 Debayan Chaudhuri Cooch Behar: Itihas O Sahitya, Paricharika NabaParjay: Bismritir Atol Theke 978-81-937006-1-3
4 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Quaternary Geomorphology in India: Case Studies from the Lower Ganga Basin An Inventory for Land Use Land Cover and Landform Identification from Satellite Standard FCC: A Study in the Active Ganga Delta 978-3-319-90427-6 & 978-3-319-90426-9


Sl. No Author name Title of Book/Proceedings Title of Book Chapter eISBN/ISBN
1 Debayan Chaudhuri Swarakgrantha: Swadhinata Parabarti Dui Banglar Anchalik Sahitya Charcha Coochbeharer Little Magazine 818376978-81-934966-2-6
2 Debayan Chaudhuri Coochbehar Coochbeharer Dui Biswabidyalaya 978-81-939910-1-5
3 Nabendu Sekhar Kar Environmental Geography and Sustainable Society Urban Expansion and Change of Landuse of Baidyabati Municipality: 1977-2015 978-9386682260